10 March 2012

10-on-10: March edition

You guys remember this project. A circle of 10 photographers each capture 10 photos in one day and post on the 10th of the month.

Well, late but finally posted.  This month's entry does not bring with it a special theme or exceptionally exciting day.  It is just a Saturday in the life of us--real time family stuff here.

Playing outside.

100% little man:

A little father/son talk after Allen's bike ride:

Still talking....

A little "man work" while Mom cooks dinner:

Jill got bored with the chair assembly project:

A little pre-bed stretching:

Who says boys are not flexible?:

Setting up the new iMac (which, btw, we LOVE):

I will NEVER grow tired of watching my boys sleep:

Continue the circle of 10-on-10 by visiting Cecilia Moreno.

1 comment:

  1. You already know I love 'ordinary day' posts. you already know I love YOUR family's ordinary days. I LOVE the totally B shot. That is rocking. I need to make that my screen saver or something to cheer me up when I get pissed off, because HOW can you resist that?? But the before bed stretching in their underwear cracks. me. up!!!
